A brand new reality tv show documenting the journey of seven friends’ triumphs & challenges whilst working in the creative industry.
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Featured Blog of the Week
Modelling Safety Tips
Rhiannah shares some top tips on how to keep yourself safe on photoshoots.
When Styling Becomes a Story
“it is not just about selecting outfits and choosing models, but it is about telling a story behind it and this is when the best pieces of the clothing collection are exposed and they become the face of the brand.
Styling In The Rain
“Photoshoots are normally done months prior to the collection coming out onto the market, but as we were doing swimwear, we had to wait for spring to arrive as a green/flourishing background would have made more sense.”
Models of Diversity
“ Have you ever felt trepidation and exhilaration at the same time? I did in that very moment, but there was no time to waste, each model had to be assigned their attire so I started selecting.”
The Magic of Milan
“ The first time my fashion and styling work had taken me abroad, I remember feeling an uncharted level of enthusiasm...it was like the girls trip of my dreams!”
Behind The Lens: 2
“So we all have a different body shapes and even though models are supposed to have the standard athletic figure, they are not all exactly the same – they are also human like the rest of us!”
Behind The Lens: 1
“Photoshoots are good fun and you get to be a part of a wonderful team and you actually have a bit more time – as opposed to fashion shows, to interact with each other.”